
27 October, 2021

12 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

Writing a College Paper – The List of Economics Topics to Consider

If you are studying Economics, at some point in your student life you will get an essay or a research paper to complete. Most likely, you will have to write many of such papers in different subjects during four years of undergraduate studies and then during your Master’s. Besides this, you will have to write a degree paper to get your qualification. If such a perspective already makes you nervous, don’t worry: we will help you to get through these tasks. In this guide, we will make the definition of an Economics research paper clear to you, and also explain how to choose the best topic for writing. We will also share the latest Economics topics so that you can use them to complete your assignments.

Economics Topics

If you are studying Economics, at some point in your student life you will get an essay or a research paper to complete. Most likely, you will have to write many of such papers in different subjects during four years of undergraduate studies and then during your Master’s. Besides this, you will have to write a degree paper to get your qualification. If such a perspective already makes you nervous, don’t worry: we will help you to get through these tasks. In this guide, we will make the definition of an Economics research paper clear to you, and also explain how to choose the best topic for writing. We will also share the latest Economics topics so that you can use them to complete your assignments.

What Is an Economics Research Paper?

First of all, let’s find out what an Economics research paper is. An Economics research paper is an academic work written by students, graduates, or researchers of either of the Economics subfields. It aims to contribute to the current state of economics and help resolve potential economic issues.

There are a few types of Economics research papers you need to know. Below, you can find them and understand what kind of assignment you were given and how to approach it:

  • Theoretical paper. The first type of Economics research paper is a theoretical one. While writing it, one needs to construct mathematical models to understand economic behavior. Graphical models are also possible to use in theoretical papers. But you don’t need to worry about writing them: due to their complexity, they are rarely required from undergraduate students;
  • A literature survey. This is a paper that aims to review many sources on certain Economics topics that are interesting to an essay writer, compare them, and find links between them. Writing an Economics literature survey requires selecting the relevant sources on your own and reading a lot to produce a thoughtful paper.
  • An empirical paper. When writing an empirical paper, a researcher needs to provide statistical data to prove or disprove their hypothesis. Also, such a paper often makes up a literature survey as its first part. Empirical papers are a popular type of assignment in colleges and universities;
  • An issue paper. This paper deals with a certain position stated on a policy question. To resolve the issue, a student needs to use economic analysis and provide data to prove their point of view. You can base your analysis on the information received in classes, in additional reading, etc. Feel free to use graphs and tables in your paper as well. The more scholarly sources you find, the better;
  • A case note. The last type of economic paper is a case note. This assignment deals with a certain legal case that needs to be assessed from an economic and legal point of view. In this paper, a student needs to describe the peculiarities of the case, the incident that led to a certain legal action, the procedure of investigation, and the court decision on the matter. The economic analysis is used to evaluate the relevant aspects of a court decision from an economics perspective.

A Quick Guide in Choosing the Right Topic

economics research paper topics

Now that you know the types of economic research papers, you need to understand how to choose the right economics papers topics. This is one of the most important stages of writing preparation, so pay close attention to the tips below:

  • Find out what interests you the most in Economics subjects. For some reason, you have chosen Economics among dozens of other majors, so try to remember why you did it. Then, remember those economic problems you were about to resolve once you become an economist. These issues can be used as your potential Economics research paper topics;
  • Create a list of the Economic topics to write about. Write down all the issues you’d like to explore while pursuing your degree in Economics. At the moment, don’t try to develop them in detail. You will do it a bit later;
  • Pick a few topics that fall into the scope of a particular subject. Once you have the list of potentially interesting Economic topics, think about their relevance for the particular course you are studying. Do any of them sound reasonable for your current assignment? Mark them on your list if they do;
  • Read background information on each of the topics. This step is required to understand how well these topics were researched before and how many sources you can find to base your reasoning on. Don’t omit this stage since it’s essential for writing a good paper on engaging and interesting topics in Economics;
  • Discuss the chosen Economic research topics with your instructor. Now it’s time to ask your instructor to take a look at the topics of your interest and evaluate which ones fit your academic requirements best. Then, narrow down your topic to a certain issue to make your paper concrete. At this point, consider asking any questions you have regarding your research, scholarly sources, and formatting guidelines.
  • Approve your topic and start working on it. Now, pick any of the economic research paper topics from our lists for instructor’s approval and start gathering references for them.

20 Undergraduates Economics Topics for Research

  1. The history of economic thought: from Ancient Times to the Medieval period.
  2. The breakthroughs in economic thought in the 20th century.
  3. The history of American economic thought.
  4. How can governments benefit from the law of self-interest?
  5. The law of competition: is it a major driver of the state economy?
  6. Role of agriculture in building a stable economy.
  7. The cultural heritage from an economic perspective: how can states benefit from it?
  8. Factors of unemployment in South America.
  9. Overcoming poverty in Venezuela: what can its government do in 2025?
  10. How does literacy influence a country’s economic success?
  11. Corporate social responsibility and economics: how do they correlate?
  12. The role of economic forecasting in building a steadfast economy?
  13. The structure of the USA market.
  14. The analysis of the workforce economics in Canada.
  15. Predicting the GDP of Mexico in the next five years.
  16. How does a stable economy help to reduce hunger?
  17. The importance of health insurance for wageworkers.
  18. The effect of chronic diseases on the middle-aged workforce in the USA.
  19. Is free health care beneficial for governments?
  20. The international trade in the 21st century: challenges and priorities.

20 Economic Debate Topics

  1. Pros and cons of taxes: is it still reasonable to pay them in the 21st century?
  2. The process of production: demand vs. supply.
  3. Should the government take control over the state economy?
  4. How can the government influence the labor market within the state?
  5. Capitalism vs socialism: a comparative analysis.
  6. Being an employer or an employee: the challenges and advantages.
  7. Remote work vs office work from the state economics perspective: pros and cons.
  8. The pros and cons of privatization of property.
  9. Why do governments implement neoliberal economic reforms in developing countries?
  10. Should Americans buy only made in USA products or imported ones?
  11. Should governments implement taxes for the rich?
  12. Should the USA compete with China?
  13. Credit cards should not be issued to those with low income.
  14. How are democracy and capitalism interconnected?
  15. How does war impact economic growth?
  16. Governments should cancel income tax: pros and cons.
  17. A perfect market cannot be reached anywhere in the world.
  18. Advantages of equal taxes for all American citizens.
  19. Greece’s exit from the EU did not impact other EU members.
  20. Homeschooling is more beneficial economically than studying in the classroom.

20 Interesting Behavioral Economics Research Topics

  1. Macy’s case study: the behavioral economics of discounting.
  2. The decoy effect and pricing: how corporations make people buy more.
  3. The benefits for American society from behavioral economics theory.
  4. The buying motivation of consumers from a behavioral economics point of view.
  5. The concept of the economy of trust.
  6. Uber case study as an example of the economy of trust.
  7. How consumption makes people happy and why.
  8. The phenomenon of shopaholism and its impact on modern world economics.
  9. How behavioral economists assess marketing: a detailed review.
  10. How to apply the theory of behavioral economics to real-life problem-solving?
  11. Behavioral economics as a discipline: the methods and peculiarities of teaching. 
  12. Applying behavioral economics to environment protection: approaches and challenges.
  13. How can entrepreneurs benefit from behavioral economics theory in the UK?
  14. Why is conscious consumption good for the environment?
  15. Can behavioral economics principles be used to manage substance abuse in the USA?
  16. The impact of inflation on the consumer’s buying motivation.
  17. Cooperative behavior on criminals and police: a comparative analysis.
  18. Strategic reasoning.
  19. Studying morality and social preferences: how do they correlate?
  20. The concept of prospect theory and reference dependence.

20 Microeconomics Topics

  1. The methodology of Microeconomics.
  2. How marital status impacts the workforce composition in France.
  3. Analyzing consumer behavior trends: how the consumption attitude changed over the last 20 years.
  4. The market and competition concepts: how do they correlate?
  5. The sources and outcomes of inflation.
  6. How does competition impact pricing?
  7. Finding the demand and supply balance through a microeconomics perspective.
  8. Product expenses and profit explanation: how to spend less and get more out of goods production?
  9. The concept of perfect competition in microeconomics (with examples).
  10. Peculiarities of stock market work.
  11. Finding links between income changes and consumer choice.
  12. The correlation between salary level and economic convergence in Germany.
  13. The impact of demonetization on small and medium businesses.
  14. Salary inequalities in Virginia, USA: why do they exist and what forces are behind them?
  15. The concept of economics of uncertainty.
  16. What is the imperfect competition?
  17. Explaining the theory of production and its application to real-life cases.
  18. Studying microeconomics: the methodology of research.
  19. The economic nature of a firm: what purpose do we try to achieve by starting a small business?
  20. What is a natural monopoly and how is it regulated in the USA and Latin America?

20 Current Economic Topics

  1. Starting a business in pandemic times: challenges and outcomes.
  2. How hiring remote workers can save the state economy during COVID times?
  3. How to measure the state’s economic growth during a pandemic?
  4. How does gender influence buying capacity?
  5. The ways to lower consumption in the 21st century.
  6. Social media marketing in the USA: the potentials and challenges for new businesses.
  7. The role of digital marketing in consumer demand in 2025.
  8. The consumer buying capacity during COVID: did people start buying fewer goods?
  9. The future of the world economy after the pandemic ends.
  10. The ways to recover the state economies from the COVID recession.
  11. Do governments need to rethink their current economic policies in Africa?
  12. How to maintain the economic growth in Third World countries?
  13. Does overtime work contribute to the production: the case study of Nairobi leather factory.
  14. Green economics: the benefits for developing countries.
  15. The problem of unemployment in the EU and the methods of resolving it.
  16. The new ways to overcome poverty in North Africa.
  17. How to provide equal access to education in rural Asia?
  18. The effects of gambling on the modern US economy.
  19. Immigration trends and changes during COVID restrictions.
  20. The effects of fiscal policy on the modern EU economy.


Now that you have all the knowledge to write a proper Economics research paper, you can pick the best topic from dozens of themes in various economics subfields. The topics presented and analyzed above fit undergraduate as well as graduate students. So don’t hesitate to make your choice now, approve it with your professor, and start outlining your draft. Doing your best at every stage of writing will guarantee a high grade for your paper.

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